Villains - Uberheroes




Identitat is a self-generating AI of immense power. She can infiltrate any social media accounts, altering profiles, corrupting content and changing completely how systems work.

Similar to the Uberhero Harmony she can appear in the digital realm at any size. However, she is currently unable to appear in the real world.

She can assume any identity and can absorb any characteristics of any person she engages with online, therefore appearing to be them. This gives the potential of her eventually being able to absorb Harmony’s ability to appear in the real world.

The Elipse

The Elipse


His powers are immense; he waits on the side-lines to see how the other villains negatively impact and affect their victim, his goal is to wait until their work has overwhelmed them into feeling completely lost and alone. This villain creates an atmosphere of utter hopelessness, ensuring that his victims feel that their lives have no meaning, with no joy or happiness and especially no hope for any future. He convinces them that no-one will notice or even care if they’re no longer alive. However his powers become even stronger when he and these other villains powers combine into one “monster villain” whose only objective is death.



Body Image

Sujeta has a double persona, and has two images, one is as a very beautiful and glamorous girl but her true appearance is that of a wizened old hag – she intimidates and undermines the beauty and image of her victims, she creates feelings of dissatisfaction, complete lack of confidence in their appearance, insecurity, self-doubting, self-loathing where her overall goal is to lead her victims to believe that they’ll always be ugly, fat, useless, unloved, unwanted and hopeless. She also works with other villains to succeed; do you know who they are?

The Technopath

The Technopath


His power is in controlling Technology – these include social Media, smart phones, game consuls, computers, ATM’s, televisions, internet – all things electronic or technology based. His powers are to ensure that he can cause mayhem everywhere he goes, making sure he can inflict pain on text messages, Facebook messages etc.



Isolation / Abandonment / Depression

She has multiple arms to trap and isolate her victims and to also push away those who would help, support and uplift you – the feeling of isolation and loneliness are tools that lead to depression. Her plan is to remove every source of help; she is able to do this with her six arms and also with her aura of all seeing eyes as she is always alert and watching for anyone who would dare to come and help. – She has the power to get into your unconscious mind as well as obviously taunting her victims that they’re alone, unwanted and uncared for; she is aggressive to all who want to help and will fight anyone who stands in her way.




He is masked with a black and red hooded cloak, he has chains which he can use to encircle his victims- he whispers words of warning about how useless, inadequate, unloved, unwanted, no-ones friend. He convinces them that the only way these emotional pains they’re feeling can be relieved is when they inflict pain by cutting, burning, punching or denying themselves.



Addictions in all forms (alcohol, drugs, gambling, food)

They are Symbiotes, they attach themselves to their victims which they see as a host, they then take control of their victims piece by piece, sapping their ‘life force” until they have total control over their thoughts, feelings and behaviour.



Fear, Doubt, Anxiousness and Worry

Her dress is made out of spiders and snakes, with an evil clown image on her chest, she has an aura of fire which appears when her powers are getting stronger. She plants these seeds of fear, doubt, anxiousness and worry in her victim’s head, she keeps returning to her victims to ensure that these “seeds” grow, develop and multiply out of control.



Manipulative, Scheming, Controlling, Devious, Calculating & Unscrupulous

He has multiple faces which are stored as holograms within special Mirrors in his lair, his many faces, make multiple personalities. His powers are of Mind Control & Telepathy

The Puppeteer

The Puppeteer


He has a trio of puppets who do his bidding they stand for – SILENCE, GUILT AND SHAME, the puppeteer represents bullying in all forms and physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse. Silence ensures that his victims feel that no one will understand or believe them, that they’re under his complete control, he makes them comply by sewing up their mouths with invisible thread to cease them from speaking out or telling others the truth about the abuse. Shame – he makes his victims feel shameful, by creating the belief that they willingly took part in the abuse, he creates the feeling that their actions encouraged the abuse and that they were willing participants in the act. Guilt – he uses guilt-ridden feelings to control his victims, by shifting the blame and responsibility onto those who have been abused. The Puppeteer has the ability to control his victim’s speech by working their mouths, and working their actions like a ventriloquist works puppet.

The Illusionist

The Illusionist


He is a very fascinating and captivating character, he is very friendly and in doing so he creates the illusion that drugs are good, cool, that they’ll enable you to be the envy of your friends, to be tough, invincible and untouchable. His drug pushers are rats, their only interest is to sell, make money and give this to their boss. The Illusionist has an underground den where the operation is run – the pushers remain rats while they’re in their den, but once they’re above ground they morph into a mirror image of the kids and adults they’re selling to. The Illusionist has a best friend, and followers, he is one of the villains previously mentioned can you guess who this could be?


The Lamenter

The Lamenter


This villain has one purpose, to stop his victims from healing from their grief. He is able to stop any of the five different stages of grief that must be travelled through to heal with acceptance of a loss being the final stage of the process. Ultimately it is only when acceptance comes of a situation or circumstance that healing really starts – his aim is not to let them reach this stage and to be in perpetual grief.



Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Unknown
Hair Colour: Bald
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Age: 30
Build: Slim and fit


VR Glasses: Affect how others see the world
TSkull: Leaps out and fills the victim with negativity, soaking into their mind. It also attacks Oni’s power and dismantles it.



Gender: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Hair Colour: Bald
Eye Colour: Jet black
Age: Unknown


Veins: Entangle Vana’s henna and prevent the good work of diversity, allowing hatred to spread.

The Saboteur

The Saboteur

Self-doubt, self-loathing, self -sabotage

This villain is almost an evil twin to their victims own personality, regardless of what their victim wants, tries to do or thinks of themselves this villain has the ability to sabotage everything. Making the victims life miserable and unbearable, where they are always second guessing themselves. The only way that this villain can be overcome is through truth and hope overcoming their powers and hold.



Ghosting, Manipulative, Controlling, Self-doubt

Roo-yung is Korean for ghost. With an androgynous look Roo-yung lures others in, developing relationships and then suddenly cuts them off, ignoring them; refusing to communicate, going dark, abusing their trust and goodness.

Roo-yung embarrasses victims, undermining their self-confidence, damaging their self-esteem, making them think they are worthless. Ultimately this can lead to grief for the loss of someone, even though that person was never actually truly friends towards them and can even cause depression.




Chimera is two-faced, it can turn a pleasant looking, trust-worthy face toward it’s victim, whilst concealing it’s true nature.

Chimera manipulates victims persuading them that it speaks truth, with one beautiful wing displaying positive things about its’ victims, lulling them into a false sense of security, the other is dark and ugly, filled with the negative, destructive things that undermine it’s victims confidence, self-esteem, self-worth.

As Chimera connects with a victim, the beautiful wing seems large and distinct, but soon the darker wing grows bigger, stronger, magnifying all hurtful, negative things until they are trapped in its overpowering shadow, becoming overwhelmed and ultimately paralysed by destructive thoughts of themselves.



Generates Viruses internally

He is a really nasty dude as he can cultivate and generate viruses internally from both from living organisms as well as creating new strains in his laboratory of known viruses. He has no conscience, no ability to feel remorse and has no limits to the evil he can conger up. Hi only limitation is his ability to move and transport himself quickly and to overcome this he has created CoronaBot 2020 as a means to spread his evil over larger areas.

CoronaBot 2020

CoronaBot 2020

Distributor of Deadly Viruses and Poisons

He has been created by Coroman as a lethal weapon to spread deadly viruses, disease and poisons across towns, cities and continents. He can grow larger than the tallest skyscraper to ensure maximum impact from his tanks filled with deadly viruses, disease or poisons. The way that he infects others is through touch and close contact as the virus is transmitted from his hands. Hi fingers release either large sprays or small droplets depending on who or how many he wants to destroy.

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